Sunday, May 10, 2009

May Is Dog Bite Prevention Month

May is Dog Bite Prevention Month. Dog bits have the potential to be quite serious and dangerous. For example, a three year old North Carolina girl received more than sixty stitches after she was attacked by one of the family’s dogs.

The family owns both, a Rottweiler and a Labrador mix, both of which were tied up in the backyard when the girl went over the pet one of the dogs. It is unclear which dog bit the girl.

The girl’s parents immediately took her to the hospital, but had to stop at a fire station because the bleeding was so severe. Most of the dog bites were underneath the girl’s eyes.

Disclaimer: The foregoing is general legal information only and not intended to serve as legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. If you have been injured or damaged due to a dog bite go to to see if there is a lawyer or attorney in your local area who is willing to take your case on a contingency fee basis. is an online legal directory that allows Attorneys to advertise their availability to take all kinds of cases on a contingency fee basis (for example personal injury, eminent domain, contract cases, partnership disputes, etc.). Please note there are no guarantees that any attorney or lawyer will take your case. Copyright 2009 – All Rights Reserved.

Boy Receives 20 Stitches After Dog Bite

A nine year old Washington boy needed twenty stitches to close a gash in his face after he was bitten by a neighborhood dog.

The boy was walking in his neighborhood when a dog knocked him over and started biting him on his face. According to his mother, the border collie mix “tore up his face.” She added that “he has chunks of his arm missing and bite marks on his stomach.”

Authorities have found the dog and are keeping it chained at a kennel for observation. There is no word on whether the owner of the dog or the dog’s keepers will be sued over the attack.

Disclaimer: The foregoing is general legal information only and not intended to serve as legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. If you have been injured or damaged due to a dog bite go to to see if there is a lawyer or attorney in your local area who is willing to take your case on a contingency fee basis. is an online legal directory that allows Attorneys to advertise their availability to take all kinds of cases on a contingency fee basis (for example personal injury, eminent domain, contract cases, partnership disputes, etc.). Please note there are no guarantees that any attorney or lawyer will take your case. Copyright 2009 – All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

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Last revised: 8/8/08

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dog Bite Blog - About This Site!

This site will feature legal news about Dog Bite law and strict liability of animals. We will interview Dog Bite law lawyer and Dog Bite law attorney to obtain perspective on the latest news and issues in Dog Bite law and where applicable, strict liability of animals.

This site is brought to you by where web users can explore their legal options and search for attorneys who will consider taking their legal cases on a contingency basis. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions please contact us